Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA)

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Audit observed that the sum of N9,451,165.00 was paid to a staff through PV. No.3512 of 19/8/14 as estacode, air-ticket, and participation fees for the Hon. Minister of Labour & Productivity and four (4) other officers of the Ministry to attend the World Congress on Safety and Health at work 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Summary of the expenditure for (Minister, Perm. Sec. and others):
(1) N Estacode – $20,432 x N 174/$ 3,555,168.00
(2) Air-ticket 5,692,372.00
(3) Participation fee -Euro 1125xN225 293,625.00
TOTAL 9,451,165.00
The above payment was necessitated by the letter written by the Ministry on the 11th and 12th August, 2014 through the Director – Social Security of the Ministry who noted that NSITF has been sponsoring the programme in the recent past and that it was necessary for NSITF to sponsor the trip. The following observations were made:
a. The above payment constitutes undue interference in the finances of the NSITF by the Parent Ministry in contravention of the Establishment Circular above which prohibits Supervising Ministries from interfering in the finances of Parastatals under her.
b. There was no evidence that the money was received by the beneficiaries from the staff in question.
c. Apart from a name, the remaining four (4) beneficiaries were not mentioned, rather, designations were used.
d. The computation of the air-ticket to arrive at N5,602,372.00 was wrong considering the amount stated on the memo by the staff payee which is provided below:
e. Participation fee of N293,625.00 was not backed-up by evidence of payment such as receipt or other forms of acknowledgement.
f. Additionally, there were no approval from appropriate authority to embark on foreign trip. The approval of Mr. President for the hon. minister, and Head of Service for other officers.



Beneficial Ownership Information


Legislative Recommendation

The Managing Director is required to account for the sum of N9,451,165.00 collected on behalf of participants without evidence to show that the amount was actually paid to them failing which, the amount should be recovered and recovery particular forwarded for audit verification. Sanctions within FR 3106 and 3129 should apply.

Executive Action


Progress Report


Data Source

2018 Audit Report

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