Federal Ministry of Justice

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Amount Paid





I. Twelve (12) payments totalling N35,776,700.00 were made in December 2019 to Officers of the Ministry from the capital vote.
II. The above payments were for Air-Tickets, Boot Camp Registration, Servicing of Monthly Meetings, Workshop Fees, and Conferences.
III.One (1) out of the twelve (12) vouchers with No. Cap/014/19 dated 24/4/19 amounting to N30,000,000.00 was raised as cash advance to an officer of the Ministry.
IV.The retirement particulars of the cash advance of N30,000,000.00 revealed the conference was a virtual meeting, even in 2019 financial year.
V.The officers that attended the program were from South-South States and from different agencies and commands, their offices should have catered for their logistics and other benefits instead of the Ministry.
VI.The receipts for retirement from hotels were altered at the date columns such as the Le Meridien Hotel and Golf Resort in Uyo for N13,240,000.0 Ogbolosing Transport Company Nig. Ltd. for car hiring amounting to N160,000.00 with no destinations and MC Print Ventures for N60,000.00 which raised doubts as to the authenticity of the retirement particulars.
VII.The sum of N11,960,000.00 was paid to one hundred and eighty-four (184) officers from the South-South State Commands (186 x 20,000 = 3,680,000.00 as accommodation subsidy, i.e. N15,000 per night for three nights each) contravened extant rules on DTAs of public officers in the civil service.
VIII.The above payments were made as if all the officers are on the same grade levels to collect same amounts in-terms of distance and DTAs.



Beneficial Ownership Information


Legislative Recommendation

The Solicitor-General and Permanent Secretary is requested to:
i. Furnish reasons for payment of allowances for conference that was held virtually and payment to officers of another agencies.
ii. Account for the sum of N35,776,700.00 transferred from capital vote to finance overhead expenditure.
iii. Recover the sum of N30,000.000.00 paid as cash advance as the retirement documents are flawed with irregularities.
iv. Otherwise, sanction within Financial Regulation 3106 on irregular payment should apply.

Executive Action


Progress Report


Data Source

2019 Non-Compliance Audit Report of the FG

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