Federal Ministry of Works And Housing (Works Section)

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The audit observed that N2,500,000,000.00 contract was awarded by the Ministry in violation of Bureau of public procurements revised threshold for service wide application which requires approval from the Federal Executive Council, after a Due process ‘Certificate of no Objection’ has been obtained for contracts for works above One Billion Naira,
The Ministry awarded the contract without Federal Executive Council approval in violation of chapter 16 (I) of the public procurement act 2007 which states “Subject to any exemption allowed by this Act, all public procurement shall be conducted :(a) subject to the prior review thresholds as may from time to time be set by the Bureau pursuant to Section 7(1)(a)-(b)”.
It was also observed that the Ministry awarded the contract without obtaining a due process certificate of ‘no objection’ from the Bureau of public procurement in violation of section 16(1) (b) of the public procurement act.
The Ministry also out of the total contract sum, made the part payment of engineering certificate number one (1) amounting to N289,461,035.44 in violation of section 16(2) of the public procurement act.



Beneficial Ownership Information


Legislative Recommendation

The Permanent Secretary is required to account for the sum of N289,461,035.44 paid in breach of Public Procurement act 2007, Section 16(2). Sanctions in line with Financial Regulation 3106 should apply to all affected officials.

Executive Action


Progress Report


Data Source

2018 Audit Report

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